* On Healing From Trauma *“This is an important story! A great deal to say that can be of great help to victims and for the betterment of the church and society.” Richard Sipe, Author
“Sex, Priests, and Secret Codes” “Very compelling, very disturbing, very well done!”
David Glohessy, National Director, SNAP (Survivors Network of those Abused By Priest) What Is It About?UnHoly Communion is a shocking, candid account of one man’s personal battle with overcoming childhood domestic violence, incest, and while attending university, assaults by a sexual predator priest. Read the author’s first hand accounts of how his family, as well as the Catholic Church continued to shamefully protect known sexual predators while looking the other way regardless of detailed evidence presented.
In this heart wrenching memoir, Estrada describes his road to hell and back as he lived through years of devastating sexual scandals and found the courage to persevere. This inspiring story of determination and resilience is for anyone who has struggled with any type of childhood victimization, adult exploitation, or the unspeakable sex crimes from once trusted clergy. Estrada connects with the reader and shows us how hope, peace and love can be found if you don’t give up. ORDER EXPANDED EDITION
* On the Paranormal *Along with his husband and paranormal author, Antonio Garcez, Hank co-founded Red Rabbit Press LLC, aka GhostBooks.Biz, the independent publishing company that exclusively prints Antonio’s popular, award winning ghost books, including New Mexico Ghost Stories Vol. I & II and American Indian Ghost Stories of the West.
As co-founder, Hank’s responsibilities included, editing, graphic design, book sales promotions, and public speaking presentations. For over 35 years, Hank has accompanied Antonio on the majority of paranormal investigations and interview sessions conducted for each ghost book published. Our Best Selling Ghost Book Titles
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